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[研究テーマ2] 広域探査観測による、遠方クエーサーや褐色矮星など希少天体の探索
[研究テーマ3] 宇宙可視光背景放射

最近は主に、すばる望遠鏡に搭載された最新鋭カメラ Hyper Suprime-Cam の観測データを用いて、宇宙黎明期に存在した巨大ブラックホールを探す国際共同プロジェクトを率いています。またその延長線上にある新装置 Prime Focus Spectrograph や、次世代30m望遠鏡などによる観測計画立案にも携わっています。

令和4年度 日本天文学会 欧文研究報告(PASJ)論文賞(2023年3月)

   受賞対象:主著論文「Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs).
      II. Discovery of 32 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.8」,
      Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ),
        第70巻SP1号(2018年出版)掲載, 論文ID: S35  <NASA論文データベースへのリンク>

令和3年度 島津奨励賞(島津科学技術振興財団;2022年2月)

   - 島津科学技術振興財団からのプレスリリース
   - 愛媛大学からのプレスリリース

平成31年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰・若手科学者賞(2019年4月)

   - 文部科学省からのプレスリリース
   - 愛媛大学からのプレスリリース
   - すばる望遠鏡からのプレスリリース

平成29年度 日本天文学会 研究奨励賞(2018年3月)

   - 愛媛大学からのプレスリリース
   - プリンストン大学からのプレスリリース

"Quasar Luminosity Function at z = 7"
YM, M Onoue, K Iwasawa, and 41 coauthors (ApJL 949:42, 2023)

 ..."Highlight article of the AAS Nova", 2023年6月, アメリカ天文学会の学術誌群(ApJ, AJなど)

"Discovery of the First Low-Luminosity Quasar at z > 7"
YM, M Onoue, N Kashikawa, and 45 coauthors (ApJL 872:L2, 2019)

 ..."The most-downloaded articles of 2019", アメリカ天文学会の学術誌群(ApJ, AJなど)

"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.8"
YM, M Onoue, N Kashikawa, and 43 coauthors (PASJ 70S:35, 2018)

 ..."High Impact Articles from PASJ in 2017-2018 (Most Read)", 日本天文学会 学術論文誌 PASJ (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan)

"Cosmic Optical Background: the View from Pioneer 10/11"
YM, N Ienaka, K Kawara, S Oyabu (ApJ 736:119, 2011)

 ... "Article of the day", 2011年8月16日, NASAの論文検索サイト Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

ラ・パルマ観測所 大カナリア望遠鏡(カナリア諸島)
マウナケア観測所 ケック望遠鏡(米国ハワイ州)
マウナケア観測所 すばる望遠鏡(米国ハワイ州)
マウナケア観測所 ジェミニ北望遠鏡(米国ハワイ州)
マウナケア観測所 英国赤外線望遠鏡(米国ハワイ州)
セロ・パチョン観測所 ジェミニ南望遠鏡(チリ)
セロ・トロロ観測所 ブランコ望遠鏡(チリ)
サイディング・スプリング観測所 2.3m望遠鏡(オーストラリア)
サイディング・スプリング観測所 40インチ望遠鏡(オーストラリア)
サイディング・スプリング観測所 英国シュミット望遠鏡(オーストラリア)
マウント・ジョン観測所 MOA-II望遠鏡(ニュージーランド)
キット・ピーク観測所 2.1m望遠鏡(米国アリゾナ州)
キット・ピーク観測所 WIYN 0.9m望遠鏡(米国アリゾナ州)
サザーランド観測所 赤外線サーベイ望遠鏡(南アフリカ)
岡山観測所 188cm望遠鏡(岡山県)
木曽観測所 シュミット望遠鏡(長野県)
野辺山観測所 45m望遠鏡(長野県)

科研費:基盤研究B 「Co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies with the James Webb Space Telescope」 2022-2024年度(分担; John Silverman代表)
科研費:基盤研究A 「"宇宙の夜明け"の時代における巨大ブラックホールの大規模探査」 2021-2025年度(34,970,000円)
科研費:若手研究A 「宇宙黎明期における銀河と巨大ブラックホールの大規模探査」 2017-2020年度(24,050,000円)
科研費:特別研究員奨励費「銀河と巨大ブラックホールの共進化の解明」 2013年度(3,000,000円)
科研費:新学術領域研究 「背景放射で拓く宇宙創成の物理」公募研究 2012-2013年度(連携)
科研費:新学術領域研究 「背景放射で拓く宇宙創成の物理」公募研究 2010-2011年度(連携)
科研費:若手研究A 「暗黒星雲遮蔽による可視光銀河系外背景放射の検出」 2010-2012年度(12,350,000円)
科研費:研究活動スタート支援 「宇宙最遠クエーサーの探索」 2009年度 (1,378,000円)
三菱財団 自然科学研究助成 「宇宙再電離源としての超遠方ブラックホール探査」 2018年10月-2021年9月(3,800,000円)
愛媛大学 研究活性化事業特別チャレンジ支援「超広域探査による巨大ブラックホール起源の解明」 2020年度(600,000円)
愛媛大学 研究活性化事業スタートアップ支援「何が宇宙を再電離したか?」 2017年度(500,000円)

[115] "Merging Gas-rich Galaxies That Harbor Low-luminosity Twin Quasars at z = 6.05: A Promising Progenitor of the Most Luminous Quasars"
T Izumi, YM, M Onoue, and 15 coauthors (ApJ, 972:116, 2024)
[114] "Environments around Quasars at z ~ 3 Revealed by Wide-field Imaging with Subaru HSC and CFHT"
Y Suzuki, H Uchiyama, YM, and 7 coauthors (ApJ, 972:82, 2024)
[113] "Compensation of defective pixels by mechanical shift of an NIR array detector used in the NINJA echelle spectrograph"
K Yanagisawa, C Tokoku, K Motohara, YM (17th), and 21 coauthors (SPIE, 13096:6, 2024)
[112] "Reconstruction of Cosmic Black Hole Growth and Mass Distribution from Quasar Luminosity Functions at z > 4: Implications for Faint and Low-mass Populations in JWST"
W Li, K Inayoshi, M Onoue, YM (5th), and 5 coauthors (ApJ, 969:69, 2024)
[111] "The Relationship of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies at z < 4 in the Deep Optical Variability-selected Active Galactic Nuclei Sample in the COSMOS Field"
A Hoshi, T Yamada, M Kokubo, YM, T Nagao (ApJ, 969:11, 2024)
[110] "Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission"
Euclid Collaboration, incl. YM (A&A, in press, 2024)
[109] "Discovery of merging twin quasars at z = 6.05"
YM, T Izumi, M Onoue, and 14 coauthors (ApJL, 965:L4, 2024)
[108] "Observational properties of active galactic nucleus obscuration during the peak of accretion growth"
B Vijarnwannaluk, M Akiyama, M Schramm, YM (5th), and 10 coauthors (MNRAS, 529:3610, 2024)
[107] "Black Hole Mass and Eddington-ratio Distributions of Less-luminous Quasars at z ~ 4 in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Field"
W He, M Akiyama, M Enoki, YM (8th), and 10 coauthors (ApJ, 962:152, 2024)
[106] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVII. Black Hole Mass Distribution at z ~ 6 Estimated via Spectral Comparison with Low-z Quasars"
A Takahashi, YM, M Onoue, and 9 coauthors (ApJ, 960:112, 2024)
[105] "Supermassive primordial black holes: a view from clustering of quasars at z ~ 6"
T Shinohara, W He, YM, T Nagao, T Suyama, T Takahashi (Phys Rev D, 108:063510, 2023)
[104] "Transition luminosities of Galactic black hole transients with Swift/XRT and NICER/XTI observations"
S Wang, N Kawai, M Shidatsu, YM (PASJ, 75:1072, 2023)
[103] "Detection of stellar light from quasar host galaxies at redshifts above 6"
X Ding, M Onoue, J D Silverman, YM, and 40 coauthors (Nature, 621:51, 2023)
[102] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVIII. The Dark Matter Halo Mass of Quasars at z ~ 6"
J Arita, N Kashikawa, YM, and 10 coauthors (ApJ, 954:210, 2023)
[101] "Evolution of the mass relation between supermassive black holes and dark matter halos across the cosmic time"
A Bansal, K Ichiki, H Tashiro, YM (MNRAS, 523:3840, 2023)
[100] "Quasar Luminosity Function at z = 7"
YM, M Onoue, K Iwasawa, and 41 coauthors (ApJL, 949:42, 2023)
[99] "eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): eFEDS X-ray view of WERGS Radio Galaxies selected by the Subaru/HSC and VLA/FIRST survey"
K Ichikawa, T Yamashita, A Merloni, YM (16th), and 18 coauthors (A&A, 672:171, 2023)
[98] "X-ray emission from a rapidly accreting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy at z = 6.56"
J Wolf, K Nandra, M Salvato, YM (15th), and 13 coauthors (A&A, 669:A127, 2023)
[97] "Extreme Nature of Four Blue-excess Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy"
A Noboriguchi, T Nagao, Y Toba, YM (9th), and 12 coauthors (ApJ, 941:195, 2022)
[96] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) - XV. Constraining the cosmic reionization at 5.5 < z < 7"
T-Y Lu, T Goto, T Hashimoto, YM (11th), and 9 coauthors (MNRAS, 517:1264, 2022)
[95] "The Obscured Fraction of Quasars at Cosmic Noon"
B Vijarnwannaluk, M Akiyama, M Schramm, YM (5th), and 5 coauthors (ApJ, 941:97, 2022)
[94] "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). IX. The Most Overdense Region at z~5 Inhabited by a Massive Radio Galaxy"
H Uchiyama, T Yamashita, T Nagao, YM (10th), and 12 coauthors (PASJ, 74:27 2022)
[93] "Optical IFU Observations of GOALS Sample with KOOLS-IFU on Seimei Telescope: Initial results of 9 U/LIRGs at z < 0.04"
Y Toba, S Yamada, K Matsubayashi, YM (26th), and 22 coauthors (PASJ, 74:1356, 2022)
[92] "On the Connection between Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxy Growth in the Reionization Epoch"
J Li, J D Silverman, T Izumi, YM (7th), and 5 coauthors (ApJ, 931:11, 2022)
[91] "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). The first archetypal quasar in the feedback phase discovered by eROSITA"
M Brusa, T Urrutia, Y Toba, YM (17th), and 17 coauthors (A&A, 661:9, 2022)
[90] "Detection of extended millimeter emission in the host galaxy of 3C273 and its implications for QSO feedback via high dynamic range ALMA imaging"
S Komugi, Y Toba, YM, T Saito, T Yamashita (ApJ, 930:3, 2022)
[89] "Multiline Assessment of Narrow-line Regions in z 3 Radio Galaxies"
K Terao, T. Nagao, K Onishi, YM (6th), and 3 coauthors (ApJ, 929:51, 2022)
[88] "GOLDRUSH. IV. Luminosity Functions and Clustering Revealed with 4,000,000 Galaxies at z 2-7: Galaxy-AGN Transition, Star Formation Efficiency, and Implication for Evolution at z > 10"
Y Harikane, Y Ono, M Ouchi, YM (18th), and 15 coauthors (ApJS, 259:20, 2022)
[87] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVI. 69 New Quasars at 5.8 < z < 7.0"
YM, K Iwasawa, M Onoue, and 41 coauthors (ApJS, 259:18, 2022)
[86] "Optical Spectroscopy of Dual Quasar Candidates from the Subaru HSC-SSP program"
S Tang, J Silverman, X Ding, YM (17th), and 30 coauthors (ApJ 922:83, 2021)
[85] "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). IV. Rapidly Growing (Super)Massive Black Holes in Extremely Radio-loud Galaxies"
K Ichikawa, T Yamashita, Y Toba, YM (15th), and 18 coauthors (ApJ 921:51, 2021)
[84] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XIV. A Candidate Type II Quasar at z = 6.1292"
M Onoue, YM, N Kashikawa, and 12 coauthors (ApJ 919:61, 2021)
[83] "The Sizes of Quasar Host Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
J-Y Li, J Silverman, X Ding, YM (10th), and 10 coauthors (ApJ 918:22, 2021)
[82] "SILVERRUSH. IX. Ly alpha Intensity Mapping with Star-forming Galaxies at z = 5.7 and 6.6: A Possible Detection of Extended Lyα Emission at >100 Comoving Kiloparsecs around and beyond the Virial-radius Scale of Galaxy Dark Matter Halos"
R Kakuma, M Ouchi, Y Harikane, YM (10th), and 10 coauthors (ApJ 916:22, 2021)
[81] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XIII. Large-scale Feedback and Star Formation in a Low-Luminosity Quasar at z = 7.07 on the Local Black-Hole to Host Mass Relation"
T Izumi, YM, S Fujimoto, and 22 coauthors (ApJ 914:36, 2021)
[80] "SILVERRUSH X: Machine Learning-aided Selection of 9318 LAEs at z = 2.2, 3.3, 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 from the HSC SSP and CHORUS Survey Data"
Y Ono, R Itoh, T Shibuya, YM (24th), and 24 coauthors (ApJ 911:78, 2021)
[79] "Follow-up Observations for IceCube-170922A: Detection of Rapid Near-Infrared Variability and Intensive Monitoring of TXS 0506+056"
T Morokuma, Y Utsumi, K Ohta, YM (31st), and 34 coauthors (PASJ 73:25, 2021)
[78] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XII. Extended [C II] Structure (Merger or Outflow) in a z = 6.72 Red Quasar"
T Izumi, M ONoue, YM, and 31 coauthors (ApJ 908:235, 2021)
[77] "Constraining the quasar radio-loud fraction at z ~ 6 with deep radio observations"
Y Liu, R Wang, E Momjian, YM (7th), and 7 coauthors (ApJ 908:124, 2021)
[76] "Faint Quasars Live in the Same Number Density Environments as Lyman Break Galaxies at z ~ 4"
H Uchiyama, M Akiyama, J Toshikawa, YM (11th), and 15 coauthors (ApJ 905:125, 2020)
[75] "The Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function at z~5 from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey"
M Niida, T Nagao, H Ikeda, M Akiyama, YM, and 15 coauthors (ApJ 904:89, 2020)
[73] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XI. Proximity Zone Analysis for Faint Quasar Spectra at z~6"
R Ishimoto, N Kashikawa, M Onoue, YM, and 13 coauthors (ApJ 903:60, 2020)
[74] "The Mean Absorption Line Spectra of a Selection of Luminous z~6 Lyman Break Galaxies"
Y Harikane, N Laporte, R Ellis, YM (ApJ 902:117, 2020)
[72] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IX. Identification of two red quasars at z > 5.6"
N Kato, YM, M Onoue, and 14 coauthors (PASJ 72:84, 2020)
[71] "Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam view of quasar host galaxies at z < 1"
T Ishino, YM, S Koyama, and 12 coauthors (PASJ 72:83, 2020)
[70] "Dual Supermassive Black Holes at Close Separation Revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
J D Silverman, S. Tang, K.-G. Lee, YM (20th), and 29 coauthors (ApJ 899:154, 2020)
[69] "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). III. Discovery of a z = 4.72 Radio Galaxy with the Lyman Break Technique"
T Yamashita, T Nagao, H Ikeda, YM (16th), and 16 coauthors (AJ 160:60, 2020)
[68] "Large Population of ALMA Galaxies at z > 6 with Very High [OIII] 88 um to [CII] 158 um Flux Ratios: Evidence of Extremely High Ionization Parameter or PDR Deficit?"
Y Harikane, M Ouchi, A Inoue, YM, and 19 coauthors (ApJ 896:93, 2020)
[67] "Properties of AGN Multiband Optical Variability in the HSC SSP Transient Survey"
Y Kimura, T Yamada, M Kokubo, N Yasuda T Morokuma, T Nagao, YM (ApJ 894:24, 2020)
[66] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). X. Discovery of 35 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7 < z < 7.0"
YM, K Iwasawa, M Onoue, and 45 coauthors (ApJ 883:183, 2019)
[65] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) VIII. A less biased view of the early co-evolution of black holes and host galaxies"
T Izumi, M Onoue, YM, and 24 coauthors (PASJ 71:111, 2019)
[64] "Second Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
H Aihara, Y AlSayyad, M Ando, YM (32th), and 60 coauthors (PASJ 71:114, 2019)
[63] "SILVERRUSH. VIII. Spectroscopic Identifications of Early Large Scale Structures with Protoclusters Over 200 Mpc at z~6-7: Strong Associations of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies"
Y Harikane, M Ouchi, Y Ono, YM (30th), and 31 coauthors (ApJ 883:142, 2019)
[62] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). VI. Black Hole Mass Measurements of Six Quasars at 6.1 < z < 6.7"
M Onoue, N Kashikawa, YM, and 14 coauthors (ApJ 880:77, 2019)
[61] "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). II. Physical Properties Derived from the SED Fitting with Optical, Infrared, and Radio Data"
Y Toba, T Yamashita, T Nagao, YM (12th), and 13 coauthors (ApJS 243:15, 2019)
[60] "Optical Properties of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Viewed with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam"
A Noboriguchi, T Nagao, Y Toba, YM (7th), and 10 coauthors (ApJ 876:132, 2019)
[59] "Discovery of the First Low-Luminosity Quasar at z > 7"
YM, M Onoue, N Kashikawa, and 45 coauthors (ApJL 872:L2, 2019)
[58] "Evaluation of the Vertical Scale Height of L dwarfs in the Galactic Thin Disk"
S Sorahana, T Nakajima, YM (ApJ 870:118, 2019)
[57] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). V. Quasar Luminosity Function and Contribution to Cosmic Reionization at z = 6"
YM, M A Strauss, N Kashikawa, and 44 coauthors (ApJ 869:150, 2018)
[56] "A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). I. The Optical Counterparts of FIRST Radio Sources"
T Yamashita, T Nagao, M Akiyama, YM (9th), and 11 coauthors (ApJ 866:140, 2018)
[55] "Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A"
IceCube Collaboration, et al., incl. YM (Science 361:1378, 2018)
[54] "Zodiacal light beyond Earth orbit observed with Pioneer 10"
T Matsumoto, T Tsumura, YM, J Pyo (AJ 156:86, 2018)
[53] "Imaging Extended Emission-Line Regions of Obscured AGN with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey"
A-L Sun, J E Greene, N L Zakamska, YM (9th) and 8 coauthors (MNRAS 480:2302, 2018)
[52] "New constraints on Lyman-a opacity with a sample of 62 quasars at z > 5.7"
S E I Bosman, X Fan, L Jiang, YM (5th) and 3 coauthors (MNRAS 479:1055, 2018)
[51] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IV. Discovery of 41 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.9"
YM, K Iwasawa, M Onoue, and 44 coauthors (ApJS 237:5, 2018)
[50] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). III. Star formation properties of the host galaxies at at z > 6 studied with ALMA"
T Izumi, M Onoue, H Shirakata, YM (6th), and 25 coauthors (PASJ 70:36, 2018)
[49] "SILVERRUSH. V. Census of Lya, [OIII] 5007, Ha, and [CII] 158um Line Emission with ~1000 LAEs at z = 4.9 - 7.0 Revealed with Subaru/HSC"
Y Harikane, M Ouchi, T Shibuya, YM (24th), and 22 coauthors (ApJ 859:84, 2018)
[48] "Galaxy interactions trigger rapid black hole growth: An unprecedented view from the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey"
A Goulding, J E Greene, R Bezanson, YM (7th), and 5 coauthors (PASJ 70:S37, 2018)
[47] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.8"
YM, M Onoue, N Kashikawa, and 43 coauthors (PASJ 70:S35, 2018)
[46] "The quasar luminosity function at redshift 4 with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey"
M Akiyama, W He, H Ikeda, YM (14th), and 23 coauthors (PASJ 70:S34, 2018)
[45] "Clustering of quasars in a wide luminosity range at redshift 4 with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide-field imaging"
W He, M Akiyama, J Bosch, YM (11th), and 24 coauthors (PASJ 70:S33, 2018)
[44] "Enhancement of galaxy overdensity around quasar pairs at z < 3.6 based on the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Survey"
M Onoue, N Kashikawa, H Uchiyama, YM (8th), and 11 coauthors (PASJ 70:S31, 2018)
[43] "Great Optically Luminous Dropout Research Using Subaru HSC (GOLDRUSH). I. UV luminosity functions at z ~ 4-7 derived with the half-million dropouts on the 100 deg2 sky"
Y Ono, M Ouchi, Y Harikane, YM (19th), and 22 coauthors (PASJ 70:S10, 2018)
[42] "First data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
H Aihara, R Armstrong, S Bickerton, YM (69th), and 106 coauthors (PASJ 70:S8, 2018)
[41] "The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and survey design"
H Aihara, N Arimoto, R Armstrong, YM (65th), and 140 coauthors (PASJ 70:S4, 2018)
[40] "Theoretical re-evaluations of the black hole mass-bulge mass relation - I. Effect of seed black hole mass"
H Shirakata, T Kawaguchi, T Okamoto, YM (6th), and 6 coauthors (FrASS 4:15, 2017)
[39] "Minor Contribution of Quasars to Ionizing Photon Budget at z ~ 6: Update on Quasar Luminosity Function at the Faint End with Subaru/Suprime-Cam"
M Onoue, N Kashikawa, C J Willott, YM (11th), and 15 coauthor (ApJ 847:15, 2017)
[38] "Recently Quenched Galaxies at z = 0.2-4.8 in the COSMOS UltraVISTA Field"
A Ichikawa, YM (ApJL 843:7, 2017)
[37] "Active Galactic Nucleus Environments and Feedback to Neighboring Galaxies at z ~ 5 Probed by Lyα Emitters"
S Kikuta, M Imanishi, YM, and 3 coauthors (ApJ 841:128, 2017)
[36] "Ultraviolet to optical diffuse sky emission as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph"
K Kawara, YM, K Sano, and 5 coauthors (PASJ 69:31, 2017)
[35] "Akari Observations of Dusty Tori of Active Galactic Nuclei"
S Oyabu, H Kaneda, M Izuhara, YM (7th), and 3 coauthors (PKAS 32:157, 2017)
[34] "A new quadruple gravitational lens from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey: the puzzle of HSC J115252+004733"
A More, C-H Lee, M Oguri, YM (11th), and 15 coauthors (MNRAS 465:2411, 2017)
[33] "Clustering of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam and WISE"
Y Toba, T Nagao, M Kajisawa, YM (15th), and 19 coauthors (ApJ 835:36, 2017)
[32] "A lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disc"
N Matsunaga, M W Feast, G Bono, YM (8th), and 5 coauthors (MNRAS 462:414, 2016)
[31] "Theoretical re-evaluations of the black hole mass-bulge mass relation - I. Effect of seed black hole mass"
H Shirakata, T Kawaguchi, T Okamoto, YM (6th) and 6 coauthors (MNRAS 461:4389, 2016)
[30] ''Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). I. Discovery of 15 Quasars and Bright Galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.9''
YM, M Onoue, N Kashikawa, and 36 coauthors (ApJ 828:26, 2016)
[29] "Measurements of Diffuse Sky Emission Components in High Galactic Latitudes at 3.5 and 4.9 um Using Dirbe and WISE Data"
K Sano, K Kawara, S Matsuura, YM (6th), and 2 coauthors (ApJ 818:72, 2016)
[28] "Hyper-luminous dust-obscured galaxies discovered by the Hyper Suprime-Cam on Subaru and WISE"
Y Toba, T Nagao, M A Strauss, YM (17th), and 30 coauthors (PASJ 67:86, 2015)
[27] "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Post-Starburst Signatures in Quasar Host Galaxies at z > 1"
YM, M A Strauss, Y Shen, et al. (ApJ 811:91, 2015)
[26] "Derivation of a Large Isotopic Diffuse Sky Emission Component at 1.25 and 2.2um from the COBE/DIRBE Data" K Sano, K Kawara, S Matsuura, YM (6th), and 2 coauthors (ApJ 811:77, 2015)
[25] "Massive Star-forming Host Galaxies of Quasars on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82"
YM, M A Strauss, T N Price III, M S DiDonato (ApJ 780:162, 2014)
[24] "Diffuse Galactic Light in the Field of the Translucent High Galactic Latitude Cloud MBM32"
N Ienaka, K Kawara, YM, and 4 coauthors (ApJ 767:80, 2013)
[23] "Updated Analysis of a 'Dark' Galaxy and Its Blue Companion in the Virgo Cloud HI 1225+01"
YM, N Ienaka, S Oyabu, K Wada, S Takino (AJ 144:159, 2012)
[22] "An investigation of star formation and dust attenuation in major mergers using ultraviolet and infrared data"
F-T Yuan, T T Takeuchi, YM, V Buat, D Burgarella, J Iglesias-Paramo (ApJ 750:54, 2012)
[21] "Far-IR Galactic Emission Map and Cosmic Optical Background"
YM (PKAS 27:533, 2012)
[20] "Co-evolution of Galaxies and Central Black Holes: Observational Evidence on the Trigger of AGN Feedback"
YM (ApJ 750:54, 2012)
[19] "OAO/ISLE Near-IR Spectroscopy of IRAS Galaxies"
YM, F-T Yuan, Y Takeuchi, K Yanagisawa (PASJ 64:44, 2012)
[18] "Polarization and Variation of Near-IR Light from Fermi/LAT gamma-ray Sources"
M Fujiwara, YM, N Ienaka (AJ 144:112, 2012)
[17] "Discovery and Mass Measurements of a Cold, 10 Earth Mass Planet and Its Host Star"
Y Muraki, C Han, D P Bennett, and others including YM (ApJ 741:22, 2011)
[16] "Cosmic Optical Background: the View from Pioneer 10/11"
YM, N Ienaka, K Kawara, S Oyabu (ApJ 736:119, 2011)
[15] "1-um Excess Sources in the UKIDSS - I. Three T Dwarfs in the SDSS Southern Equatorial Stripe"
YM, B A Peterson, K L Murata, and 8 coauthors (AJ 142:64, 2011)
[14] "Supernova dust for the extinction law in a young infrared galaxy at z = 1"
K Kawara, H Hirashita, T Nozawa, YM (6th), and 5 coauthors (MNRAS 412:1070, 2011)
[13] "Implications from the optical to UV flux ratio of FeII emission in quasars"
H Sameshima, K Kawara, YM, and 3 coauthors (MNRAS 410:1018, 2011)
[12] "Halo occupation distribution of massive galaxies since z = 1"
YM, S Masaki, K Kawara, N Sugiyama (MNRAS 410:548, 2011)
[11] "Witnessing the active assembly phase of massive galaxies since z = 1"
YM, K Kawara (MNRAS 405:100, 2010)
[10] "Stellar population and dust extinction in an ultraluminous infrared galaxy at z = 1.135"
K Kawara, S Oyabu, YM, and 6 coauthors (MNRAS 402:335, 2010)
[9] "Ultraviolet Fe II emission in z ~ 2 quasars"
H Sameshima, J Maza, YM, and 6 coauthors (MNRAS 395:1087, 2009)
[8] "AKARI near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy of APM 08279+5255 at z = 3.91"
S Oyabu, K Kawara, Y Tsuzuki, YM, and 3 coauthors (ApJ 697:452, 2009)
[7] "Optical to Near-IR Spectrum of a Massive Evolved Galaxy at z = 1.26"
YM, B A Peterson, S Oyabu, and 6 coauthors (ApJ 685:767, 2008)
[6] "State and Evolution of the Partly Ionized Gas in AGNs"
YM, S Oyabu, Y Tsuzuki, K Kawara (Il Nuovo Cimento 122:9, 2008)
[5] "Low-Ionization Emission Regions in Quasars: Gas Properties Probed with Broad O I and Ca II Lines"
YM, K Kawara, S Oyabu (ApJ 673:62, 2008)
[4] "Observations of O I and Ca II Emission Lines in Quasars: Implications for the Site of Fe II Line Emission"
YM, S Oyabu, Y Tsuzuki, K Kawara (ApJ 663:781, 2007)
[3] "Infrared observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: the early phase"
A Evans, T Kerr, B Yang, YM, and 19 coauthors (MNRAS 374:L1, 2007)
[2] "Fe II Emission in 14 Low-Redshift Quasars. I. Observations"
Y Tsuzuki, K Kawara, Y Yoshii, YM (6th), and 2 coauthors (ApJ 650:57, 2006)
[1] "O I Line Emission in the Quasar PG 1116+215"
YM, S Oyabu, Y Tsuzuki, K Kawara, Y Yoshii (PASJ 57:563, 2005)

[63 Invited] "Seeking hidden treasures in the HSC-SSP with medium bands: high-z quasar perspective"
The 2nd HSC Medium-band Filter Workshop, Nagoya, Japan (Nov 2024)
[62 Invited] "Subaru Telescope as a high-z quasar factory"
'Probing the Genesis of Supermassive Black Holes: Emerging Perspectives from JWST and Expectation toward New Wide-Field Survey Observations', Kashiwa, Japan (Nov 2024)
[61 Invited] "High-z quasar surveys with Subaru, Euclid, and beyond"
'AGN across the sky: new windows opened by HSC and other wide-field surveys', Nopporo, Japan (Aug 2024)
[60] "SWIMS strategic observations toward Euclid quasars in the cosmic dawn"
The 2nd SUPER-IRNET Workshop, Beppu, Japan (Jul 2024)
[59] "SHELLQs: challenges, outcome, and future prospects"
Barcelona High-z Quasar Workshop, Barcelona, Spain (May 2023)
[58] "Looking for the most distant quasars"
KIAA (Kavli Instutute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University) colloquium, Peking, China (online lecture; Apr 2023)
[57] "FIRST JWST observations of low-luminosity quasars at z ~ 6 from the SHELLQs program"
J D Silverman, M Onoue, X Ding, YM, M Strauss, T Izumi
A new era in extragalactic astronomy: early results from the James Webb Space Telescope, Cambridge, UK (Mar 2023)
[56 Invited] "Wide-field AGN surveys with Subaru: from HSC to PFS and WISHES-Euclid"
'Tracing the SMBH growth: outlook beyond the HSC-SSP, and future collaborations', Kagoshima, Japan (Nov 2022)
[55 Invited] "Approaching the heart of high-z quasar population with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam"
Supermassive black holes at high redshift (COSPAR 2022 Event E1.11), Athens, Greece (Jul 2022)
[54] "Subaru Intensive Searches for the Most Distant Quasars"
Subaru User's Meeting FY2021, Online (Jan 2022)
[53] "Update on the AGN target selection for the PFS-SSP survey"
Subaru/PFS 12th collaboration meeting, Online (Mar 2021)
[52] "Subaru Intensive Searches for the Most Distant Quasars"
Subaru User's Meeting FY2020, Online (Mar 2021)
[51 Invited] "Observing cosmological evolution of quasars and the host galaxies"
Galaxy Evolution Workshop 2020, Online (Feb 2021)
[50] "Moving Forward from HSC to PFS"
Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam AGN meeting, Kyoto, Japan (Jan 2020)
[49] "SHELLQs: progress and prospects"
Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam AGN meeting, Kyoto, Japan (Jan 2020)
[48] "Shedding New Light on the AGN Demographics with Prime Focus Spectrograph"
Subaru Telescope 20th Anniversary Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii (Nov 2019)
[47] "Subaru Intensive Searches for the Most Distant Quasars"
Subaru User's Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii (Nov 2019)
[46 Invited] "Quest for High-z Quasars with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam"
Cosmic Evolution of Quasars: from the First Light to Local Relics, Peking, China (Oct 2019)
[45] "Subaru Intensive Searches for the Most Distant Quasars"
Subaru User's Meeting, Mitaka, Japan (Jan 2019)
[44 Invited] "Quest for the most distant quasars with Subaru"
EAO - Subaru Science Workshop, Daejeon, South Korea (Jan 2019)
[43 Invited] "SHELLQs: approaching 100 new quasars at z > 6"
Formation and evolution of SMBHs revealed by 'Wide field', 'Multi-wavelength', and 'Transient' surveys with HSC, Sendai, Japan (Nov 2018)
[42] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs): Progress report"
Subaru User's Meeting, Mitaka, Japan (Jan 2018)
[41] "Subaru wide-field survey for low-luminosity quasars in the reionization epoch"
'Distant Galaxies from the Far South', Bariloche, Argentina (Dec 2017)
[40] "Did low-luminosity quasars reionize the Universe? - A view from the Subaru HSC SSP survey -"
East-Asia AGN sorkshop 2017, Kagoshima, Japan (Dec 2017)
[39] "SHELLQs: contribution of low-luminosity quasars to cosmic reionization"
Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam AGN meeting, Mitaka, Japan (Dec 2017)
[38 Invited] "What TMT will (hopefully) tell us about AGNs and SMBHs"
Thirty Meter Telescope Science Forum 2017, Mysore, India (Nov 2017)
[37] "SHELLQs: >50 high-z quasars in the first 3 years"
Subaru HSC-SSP survey collaboration meeting, Sendai, Japan (May 2017)
[36 Invited] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
American Astronomical Society 229th annual meeting, Grapevine, Texas (Jan 2017)
[35] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
Subaru User's Meeting, Mitaka, Japan (Jan 2017)
[34] "Active Galactic Nuclei in the PFS-SSP Survey"
Prime Focus Spectrograph Science Workshop, Baltimore, US (Dec 2016)
[33] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
Subaru International Conference, Hiroshima, Japan (Nov 2016)
[32] "SHELLQs: HSC High-z Quasar Factory"
Subaru Seminar, Hilo, Hawaii (Sep 2016)
[31] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
Subaru HSC-SSP survey collaboration meeting, Kashiwa, Japan (Aug 2016)
[30] "Active Galactic Nuclei in the PFS-SSP Survey"
Subaru HSC-SSP survey collaboration meeting, Kashiwa, Japan (Aug 2016)
[29] “Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)”
'Illuminating the Dark Ages: Quasars and galaxies in the Reionization Epoch', Heidelberg, Germany (Jun 2016)
[28 Invited] “Toward complete census of supermassive black holes with ULTIMATE-Subaru”
'ULTIMATE-Subaru Science Workshop 2016', Mitaka, Japan (Jun 2016)
[27] "Search for z > 6 quasars"
Subaru HSC-SSP survey collaboration meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (Jan 2016)
[26] “Subaru high-z exploration of low-luminosity quasars (SHELLQs)”
Subaru user’s meeting, Atami, Japan (Jan 2016)
[25] “Search for z > 6 quasars”
'Understanding Evolution of Quasars', Kagoshima, Japan (Dec 2015)
[24 Invited] “AGN observations in the coming PFS-SSP survey”
PFS-SSP galaxy survey workshop 2015, Kashiwa, Japan (Oct 2015)
[23] “HSC high-z quasar survey project”
Subaru/HSC SSP survey collaboration meeting, Princeton, USA (Jul 2015)
[22] “Search for z > 6 quasars with HSC-SSP data”
'Quasar science with HSC: toward the first results', Taipei, Taiwan (Dec 2014)
[21] “Point source colors and experimental search for high-z quasars”
Subaru/HSC SSP survey collaboration meeting, Hiroshima, Japan (Aug 2014)
[20] “Massive Star-Forming Host Galaxies of Quasars on SDSS Stripe 82”
American Astronomical Society 223rd meeting, Washington D.C., US (Jan 2014)
[19] "Observational Study of Stars, Galaxies, and Background Radiation"
'Final International Symposium of Nagoya University Global COE Program QFPU', Gifu, Japan (Mar 2013)
[18] "Search for high-z quasars and brown dwarfs with HSC data: survey design"
'Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe: The Era of the HSC Surveys', Matsuyama, Japan (Dec 2012)
[17] "Co-evolution of Galaxies and Central Black Holes: Extended Ionized Gas around AGNs"
'Stellar Populations across Cosmic Times', Paris, France (Jun 2012)
[16] "Cosmic Optical Background: the View from Pioneer 10/11"
'First Stars IV -From Hayashi to the Future-', Kyoto, Japan (May 2012)
[15 Invited] "Cosmic Optical Background: The View from Pioneer 10/11"
'Near Infrared Background and the Epoch of Reionization', Austin, US (May 2012)
[14] "Far-IR Galactic Emission Map and Cosmic Optical Background"
'Legacy of AKARI: A Panoramic View of the Dusty Universe', Jeju, Korea (Feb 2012)
[13] "Cosmic optical background: the view from Pioneer 10/11" (poster)
'Astrophysics from the radio to submillimetre - Planck and other experiments in temperature and polarization', Bologna, Italy (Feb 2012)
[12] "Cosmic optical background: the view from Pioneer 10/11"
'IAU symposium 284 - SED 2011: The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies', Preston, UK (Sep 2011)
[11] "Cosmic optical background: the view from Pioneer spacecrafts"
'Nagoya University Grobal COE Program QFPU 2nd International Forum', Nagoya, Japan (Mar 2011)
[10] "Near-IR spectroscopic survey of bright AGNs with the new IRSF spectrometer"
'10 years of IRSF and the future', Nagoya, Japan (Nov 2010)
[9] "Evolution of UKIDSS/SDSS Massive Galaxies since z = 1"
'Big Science with Small Telescopes: The role of 2-4m Telescopes in the ERA of Large and Extremely Large Telescopes', Jena, Germany (Oct 2010)
[8] "Number-Density and Clustering Evolution of Massive Galaxies since z = 1" (poster)
'Evolution of Galaxies, their Central Black Holes and their Large-scale Environment', Potsdam, Germany (Sep 2010)
[7] "Observational evidence on formation and clustering properties of massive galaxies since z = 1" (poster)
'CL J2010+0628: from Massive Galaxy Formation to Dark Energy', Kashiwa, Japan (Jun 2010)
[6 Invited lecture] "A search for high-redshift (z > 6) quasars"
'The University of Cape Town Astrophysics Seminar', Cape Town, South Africa (Sep 2009)
[5] "Assembly of Massive Galaxies since z=1 in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey"
'National Optical Astronomy Observatory FLASH Talks', Tucson, US (Feb 2009)
[4] "A Massive Evolved Galaxy at z = 1.3 Found in the Tokyo-Australia Photometry Survey"
'Subaru-ASIAA Mini Workshop on Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies', Taipei, Taiwan (Mar 2008)
[3] "The State and Evolution of the Partly-Ionized Gas Physical Condition in AGNs probed with Broad O I and Ca II Emission Lines" (poster)
'Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution', Hayama, Japan (Dec 2007)
[2] "Evolution of the Partly-Ionized Gas Physical Condition in AGNs" (poster)
'A Century of Cosmology - Past, Present, and Future -', Venice, Italy (Aug 2007)
[1] "Cosmic Optical Background Measurements with Dark Clouds"
'IRSF Conference 2007', Atami, Japan (Aug 2007)

[76] "遠方クエーサー探査プロジェクトSHELLQs:最新のハイライト"
第2回信州大学+愛媛大学合同研究会, 愛媛大学 (11/2024)
[75] "愛媛から宇宙の果てまで 〜巨大ブラックホールの起源をさがして〜"
先端研究院発足記念シンポジウム, 愛媛大学 (07/2024)
[74] "遠方ブラックホールの探索 〜古典的手法による研究例と、データサイエンスへの期待〜"
愛媛大学データサイエンスセンター交流会, 愛媛大学 (12/2023)
[73] "SHELLQs x JWST:雑感と今後への期待"
信州大学・愛媛大学合同研究会, 信州大学 (10/2023)
[72] "Quasar Observations Near and Far"
大阪大学 宇宙進化グループコロキウム, 大阪大学 (11/2022)
[71 Invited] "最遠方クエーサー探査のフロンティア"
初代星・初代銀河研究会2021, 徳島大学 (02/2022)
[70] "G-REXによる遠方クエーサー探査"
G-REXサイエンス検討会, オンライン開催 (03/2021)
[69] "ビッグ・データ時代の天文学研究 ~すばる望遠鏡を例に~"
愛媛大学データサイエンスセンター キックオフ・シンポジウム, オンライン開催 (01/2021)
[68 invited] "広域観測によるクエーサー探査:現状と展望"
日本天文学会2020年秋季年会, オンライン開催 (09/2020)
[67] "すばる・TMT連携による遠方クエーサー研究"
日本天文学会2019年秋季年会, 熊本 (09/2019)
[66 Invited] "近赤外線広視野観測によるクエーサー探査"
我が国の(近)赤外線広視野観測サイエンスの戦略と展望, 三鷹 (07/2019)
[65 Invited] "遠方クエーサー探査の最前線"
超巨大ブラックホール研究推進連絡会ワークショップ, 京都 (05/2019)
[64 Invited] "遠方クエーサー探査と宇宙再電離"
銀河進化と遠方宇宙, 横浜(03/2019)
[63] "SHELLQs IV: クエーサー光度関数の決定/ z = 7.07の新天体発見"
日本天文学会2019年春季年会, 小金井(03/2019)
[62 Invited] "SHELLQs: how observers find rare objects on the sky"
理論天文学研究会2018, 倉敷(12/2018)
[61 Invited] "SHELLQs: hunting for faint quasars at highest redshifts"
すばる望遠鏡Hyper Suprime-CamとALMAで挑むクエーサー研究, 三鷹(10/2018)
[60 Invited] "Hunting for highest-redshift quasars with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam"
東京大学Kavli IPMU APECセミナー, 柏(10/2018)
[59] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) III"
日本天文学会2018年秋季年会, 姫路(09/2018)
[58] "すばるHSCによる遠方クエーサー探査:最新状況"
広視野活動銀河核探査観測・理論研究会 (SNAWS), 松山(03/2018)
[57] "PFS AGN survey: science cases and observing strategy"
日本天文学会2018年春季年会, 千葉(03/2018)
[56 Invited] "初期宇宙におけるクエーサーの探索"
初代星・初代銀河研究会, 呉(02/2018)
[55 Invited] "2030年代の巨大ブラックホール天文学 〜光赤外線観測は何を目指すか?〜"
光学赤外線天文連絡会シンポジウム, 三鷹(07/2017)
[54] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
超巨大ブラックホール研究推進連絡会ワークショップ, 三鷹 (12/2016)
[53 Invited] "すばるHSC + WFIRSTによる遠方クエーサー探査の可能性"
光学赤外線天文連絡会シンポジウム, 三鷹(09/2016)
[52] "すばるHSCによる遠方クエーサー探査の進展"
SWANS理論班ミーティング, 呉(10/2016)
[51] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) II"
日本天文学会2016年秋季年会, 松山(09/2016)
[50] "宇宙最遠クエーサーの探索と、宇宙可視光背景放射"
東京大学宇宙線研究所セミナー, 柏(08/2016)
[49] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
日本天文学会2016年春季年会, 東京(03/2016)
[48] "宇宙最遠クエーサーの探索:Subaru/HSCからTAO/SWIMSへ" (poster)
日本天文学会2016年春季年会, 東京(03/2016)
[47] "Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)"
名古屋大学C研セミナー, 名古屋 (01/2016)
[46] "宇宙最遠クエーサーの探索:すばる/HSCからTAO/SWIMSへ"
超巨大ブラックホール研究推進連絡会ワークショップ, 神戸(10/2015)
[45] "Seach for distant (z>6) quasars with SWIMS + Subaru/HSC"
TAO SWIMS science workshop 2015, 三鷹(09/2015)
[44 Invited] "国内AGN研究者からPFSへの期待、観測提案"
すばるPFSサイエンス検討会, 三鷹 (07/2015)
[43] ''赤方偏移 z < 1 における SDSS クエーサー母銀河の性質''
第二回銀河進化研究会, 名古屋 (06/2015)
[42] "Subaru/HSC, PFSによる遠方クエーサー探査"
活動銀河核ワークショップ2015 ~すばるPFS登場に向けて~, 三鷹 (05/2015)
[41] "すばるHyper Suprime-Camによる遠方クエーサー探査"
新世紀における銀河宇宙観測の方向, 熱海 (04/2015)
[40] "Quasar host galaxies in the SDSS Reveberation Mapping Project"
日本天文学会2015年春季年会, 大阪 (03/2015)
[39 Invited] "SPICA広視野サーベイへの期待、コメント"
SPICA広視野サーベイ ミニワークショップ, 三鷹 (02/2015)
[38 Invited] "宇宙最遠クエーサーの探索"
超巨大ブラックホール研究推進連絡会 第2回ワークショップ, 筑波 (11/2014)
[37] "Let It Roar: Supermassive Black Holes at the Heart of Galaxies"
JAXA宇宙科学研究所 宇宙物理学コロキウム, 相模原 (10/2014)
[36 Invited] "惑星探査機パイオニア10/11測定データによるCOB検出の試み"
宇宙近赤外背景放射の観測と理論, 相模原 (10/2014)
[35] "2020年代の光赤外天文学:活動銀河核サイエンス検討状況"
光学赤外線天文連絡会シンポジウム, 三鷹 (09/2014)
[34] "クエーサー母銀河に吹く風"
広域AGN探査計画SWANS 理論班合宿, 札幌 (09/2014)
[33] "活動的巨大ブラックホールを宿す銀河の観測"
国立天文台談話会, 三鷹 (04/2014)
[32] "SDSS stripe 82における低赤方偏移クエーサー母銀河の性質"
日本天文学会, 仙台 (09/2013)
[31 Invited] "銀河と超巨大BHの共進化:AGN母銀河に広がる巨大電離ガスの正体"
日本天文学会, 埼玉 (03/2013)
[30] "WISHによる超遠方クエーサー探査"
WISH Science Meeting 2012, 三鷹 (07/2012)
[29] "Extended Emission Line Region: 母銀河スケールのAGN電離過程"
日本天文学会, 京都 (03/2012)
[28] "Co-evolution of galaxies and central black holes: extended emission-line region around quasars"
Subaru Users Meeting 2011, 三鷹 (03/2012)
[27] "Pioneer 10/11データによるCOB測定結果"
光学赤外線波長における宇宙背景放射, 豊橋 (12/2011)
[26] "HSCサーベイによるz~6クエーサー探査"
HSC活動銀河核探査によるサイエンス, 京都 (11/2011)
[25] "可視光・近赤外線測光探査観測によるT型矮星の発見"
日本天文学会, 鹿児島 (09/2011)
[24] "宇宙可視光背景放射の検出:パイオニア10/11号から見た宇宙"
日本天文学会, 鹿児島 (09/2011)
[23] "IRAS銀河における[Fe II], H2輝線のISLE分光観測"
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[22] "可視光宇宙背景放射の検出:Pioneer10/11から見た宇宙"
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[21] "Cosmic Optical Background: the View from Pioneer 10/11"
Cosmic Background Radiation and Neutrinos with Stellar Origins, 名古屋 (06/2011)
[20] "Pioneer 10/11搭載IPPによる可視光背景放射測定"
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[19] "UKIDSS/SDSS広視野探査で探るz=1以来の大質量銀河進化"
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[18] "Halo Occupation Distribution of Massive Galaxies since z = 1"
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[14] "IRSF新分光器による近傍AGNの近赤外線スペクトル探査"
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日本天文学会, 大阪 (03/2009)
[12] "Assembly of Giant Galaxies in the Final Stage of the Cosmic Structure Formation"
東京大学大学院理学系研究科 天文学教育研究センター 談話会, 三鷹 (12/2008)
[11] "Assembly of Giant Galaxies in the Final Stage of Structure Formation"
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[10] "南天CCDサーベイで見つかった赤方偏移z=1.3の古い銀河"
日本天文学会年会, 代々木 (03/2008)
[9] "南天CCDサーベイ + IRSFで見つかったz=1.3の古い大質量銀河"
IRSF研究会, 名古屋 (02/2008)
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日本天文学会, 岐阜 (09/2007)
[7] "暗黒星雲遮蔽による可視銀河系外背景光の測定"
JAXA宇宙科学研究本部赤外線天文グループセミナー, 相模原 (08/2007)
[6] "近赤外線分光観測による活動銀河核中心領域の研究"
第2回21世紀COE QUESTS RA若手交流シンポジウム, 東京 (11/2006)
[5] "近赤外線分光観測によるBLR中性領域の研究"
日本天文学会年会, 北九州 (09/2006)
[4] "暗黒星雲遮蔽による可視銀河系外背景光の測定"
日本天文学会年会, 和歌山 (03/2006)
[3] "暗黒星雲を用いた可視銀河系外背景放射の測定"
新世紀における銀河宇宙観測の方向: その5, 熱川 (12/2005)
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日本天文学会年会, 札幌 (10/2005)
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日本天文学会年会, 岩手 (09/2004)