
* Number Counts of Each Line Emitter Candidates for 12 IA bands [#f3f76e2c]
            IA427 IA464 IA484 IA505 IA527 IA574 IA624 IA679 IA709 IA738 IA767 IA827 Total
       Lya:   247   154   323   116   150    24    35    19     6     8     2     0  1084
       CIV:   128    76   130    54    63    52    38     7     8     1     1     2   560
     CIII]:    51    78    95    78    48    19    69    28    27    24    10     8   535
      MgII:    27    37    49    46    44    34    62    67    55    55    30    59   565
     [OII]:    64    64   102    37    34    25    58    37    24    59    50    82   636
 [OIII]+Hb:     0     0     6    24    59   122   188   293   326   395   427   618  2458
  Ha+[NII]:     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    18    33    69    58   116   294
    others:    43    60    69    31    56    34    55    55    43    48    36    34   564
     total:   560   469   774   386   454   310   505   524   522   659   614   919  6696

* &aname(z_phDetermination){determination of the redshift range for each combination of excess IA band and emission line}; [#d50cf17d]
- Table: 
* Redshift Range for Each Combination of Excess IA-band and Emission Line [#vdf9ca8e]
        Ha+[NII]       [OIII]+Hb         [OII]            MgII           CIII]             CIV             Lya
  1 -0.3692 -0.3342 -0.1705 -0.1032  0.1142  0.1696  0.4843  0.5581  1.1759  1.2840  1.6803  1.8135  2.4162  2.5860 ! IA427
  2 -0.3128 -0.2758 -0.0964 -0.0245  0.2138  0.2723  0.6170  0.6949  1.3704  1.4846  1.9198  2.0605  2.7216  2.9009 ! IA464
  3 -0.2813 -0.2425 -0.0550  0.0203  0.2694  0.3307  0.6911  0.7727  1.4790  1.5987  2.0537  2.2011  2.8921  3.0801 ! IA484
  4 -0.2488 -0.2095 -0.0123  0.0647  0.3268  0.3886  0.7675  0.8499  1.5910  1.7118  2.1916  2.3404  3.0680  3.2576 ! IA505
  5 -0.2196 -0.1784  0.0262  0.1067  0.3784  0.4433  0.8363  0.9228  1.6918  1.8186  2.3158  2.4720  3.2263  3.4254 ! IA527
  6 -0.1454 -0.0993  0.1237  0.2132  0.5095  0.5823  1.0108  1.1079  1.9477  2.0900  2.6311  2.8063  3.6281  3.8514 ! IA574
  7 -0.0765 -0.0256  0.2143  0.3125  0.6311  0.7117  1.1729  1.2803  2.1853  2.3427  2.9237  3.1176  4.0010  4.2482 ! IA624
  8  0.0041  0.0609  0.3204  0.4290  0.7736  0.8637  1.3627  1.4828  2.4635  2.6395  3.2664  3.4833  4.4379  4.7142 ! IA679
  9  0.0500  0.1039  0.3807  0.4869  0.8546  0.9393  1.4707  1.5834  2.6218  2.7871  3.4614  3.6650  4.6864  4.9459 ! IA709
 10  0.0932  0.1485  0.4374  0.5470  0.9308  1.0176  1.5722  1.6878  2.7706  2.9401  3.6447  3.8535  4.9200  5.1861 ! IA738
 11  0.1391  0.2008  0.4978  0.6175  1.0119  1.1096  1.6802  1.8103  2.9290  3.1197  3.8398  4.0747  5.1686  5.4680 ! IA767
 12  0.2257  0.2847  0.6116  0.7305  1.1648  1.2570  1.8839  2.0067  3.2276  3.4075  4.2076  4.4293  5.6375  5.9200 ! IA827

--- corresponding z_ph for each line emitter in each IA band
- corresponding z_ph for each line emitter in each IA band
           1:Lya   2:CIV   3:CIII] 4:MgII  5:[OII] 6:[OIII]+Hb 7:Ha+[NII]
 IA427:    2.501   1.747   1.230   0.521   0.142   0.000       0.000 
 IA464:    2.811   1.990   1.427   0.656   0.243   0.000       0.000 
 IA484:    2.986   2.127   1.539   0.732   0.300   0.010       0.000 
 IA505:    3.163   2.266   1.651   0.809   0.358   0.032       0.000 
 IA527:    3.326   2.394   1.755   0.880   0.411   0.066       0.000 
 IA574:    3.740   2.719   2.019   1.059   0.546   0.168       0.000 
 IA624:    4.125   3.021   2.264   1.227   0.671   0.263       0.000 
 IA679:    4.576   3.375   2.552   1.423   0.819   0.375       0.033 
 IA709:    4.816   3.563   2.704   1.527   0.897   0.434       0.077 
 IA738:    5.053   3.749   2.855   1.630   0.974   0.492       0.121 
 IA767:    5.318   3.957   3.024   1.745   1.061   0.558       0.170 
 IA827:    5.779   4.318   3.318   1.945   1.211   0.671       0.255 
//-- &ref(zrange4.txt); &ref(p45_COSMOS20_LAE.jpg,,50%);

&ref(AGNset_COSMOS18_multi_IA_AGNset.jpg,,75%); &ref(AGNset_each_COSMOS18_multi_IA_AGNset.jpg,,50%);
- these redshift ranges of z_min--z_max are calculated using λ_eff +/- FWHM/2 of each IA band and λ_rest of each line
-- if z_max < 0, physically there is no chance detecting the emission line with the IA band: in this case, a straight line is inserted in the above table
-- if z_max > 0 and z_min < 0, z_min = 0 is adopted in the above table
- for single line emitters, z_ph is adopted to be the center of the possible redshift range: that is, z_ph = (z_max + z_min) / 2
-- for the lines with z_min > 0, z_ph corresponds to the redshift corresponding to &lambda;_eff
-- for [OIII]+H&beta; and H&alpha;+[NII] lines, z_max and z_min are evaluated as the redshift at which either one of the lines is out and in the wavelengths of &lambda; +/- FWHM/2 (22:43 9th July, 2015 from Y. Shioya) 
- for dual and multiple line emitters, z_ph is also adopted to be the center of the possible redshift range in which the combination of the IA-band excesses can be explained as a combination of the redshifted several emission lines
- the list of the redshifts assigned to the IA-excess candidates in Step 2 (replaced into the correct list on 14th July, 2015 by MARK and then modified on 20th July, 2015 by MARK) made by using the above &ref(Step2.txt); and an awk script of &ref(make_zph_list.awk);: &ref(zph_list.txt);
-- old list is found to (1) suffer from the computational noise caused by coding without an explicit expression for the variables of double precision and (2) fail to assign correct redshift range in which each emission line is included according to the coding to judge the edges of the range (see email from MARK on 19:08 13th July, 2015).

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