
This page contains all of the codes, scripts, and data which are used to obtain the final catalog of strong line emitters.

- [[Step 0: Basic Data and Catalog>TransferFromMARK#Step0]]
- [[Step 1: Selection of Strong Line Emitter Candidates>TransferFromMARK#Step1]]
- [[Step 2: Determination of z_ph and Identification of Emission Line>TransferFromMARK#Step2]]
- [[Step 3: Selection of Strong Line Emitters and Calculation of Physical Quantities>TransferFromMARK#Step3]]
- [[Step 4: Classifying AGN Candidates>TransferFromMARK#Step4]]

* &aname(AllInOne){All in one script}; [#j3ec7d99]
- &ref(SelectIAexcessObjects_All.sh);
-- see this script first and then one can find the codes, scripts, and data files which are required to obtain the final catalogs of strong line emitters

* &aname(Step0){Step 0: Basic Data and Catalog}; [#ibef7bb3]
- cosmos_phot_20120626bs.tbl: the latest version of i-band selected photometric catalog including the UltraVISTA DR1 data
-- it has too huge file size (~11 GB) to be uploaded here
-- it can be downloaded from the COSMOS internal page
-- [note] the file we used in the following Step 1 are slightly modified from the original photometric catalog in the following two points by using &ref(DoPhotcat20.sh);:
--- removing the header and the 1st column which shows the object name
--- sorting the IDs in ascending order
- photoz_zml_vers2.0_010312-fulls.out: the latest version of photo-z catalog
-- it has also too huge file size (~1.5 GB) to be uploaded here
-- it can be downloaded from the COSMOS internal page
-- [note] the file we used in the following Step 1 are also slightly modified from the original photo-z catalog in the following one point by using &ref(photoz_vers2.0_sort.sh);:
--- sort the IDs in ascending order
- &ref(NewMasking.reg);: (RA,DEC) of the masked-out regions
- &ref(Chandra_MatchedCatalog.dat);: ID, (RA,DEC), and X-ray fluxes of the cross-matched IA-excess candidates
-- cross-matching condition: angular distance is smaller than or equals to 1 arcsec
- &ref(XMM_MatchedCatalog.dat);: ID, (RA,DEC), and X-ray fluxes of the cross-matched IA-excess candidates
-- cross-matching condition: angular distance is smaller than or equals to the positional error for the object in the XMM-Newton source catalog
- &ref(VLA_MatchedCatalog.dat);: ID, (RA,DEC), and X-ray fluxes of the cross-matched IA-excess candidates
-- cross-matching condition: angular distance is smaller than or equals to 1 arcsec
- code (F90) and script to make the above 2 cross-matched catalogs (i.e., XMM and VLA): &ref(Step0_CrossMatching.f90);, &ref(Step0_CrossMatching.sh);
-- input files: &ref(cosmos_xmm_200811_v2.tbl);, &ref(vla-cosmos_lp_sources_v2_20080615.tbl);

* &aname(Step1){Step 1: Selection of Strong Line Emitter Candidates}; [#t82f3c4b]
- code (F90) and scripts to select strong line emitter candidates: &ref(Step1.f90);, &ref(Step1.sh);
-- sub code to separate the candidates into groups (F90): &ref(Step1_makeGroup.f90);

- catalog of the 6,164 Step 1 selected line emitter candidates: &ref(Step1.dat);

- table of the 6,164 Step 1 selected line emitter candidates: &ref(table_Step1.txt);
-- this table is extracted from one of the output file of Step1.sh, &ref(IdonBand.dat);, by using the awk script, &ref(count_Step1_IdonBand.awk);

* &aname(Step2){Step 2: Determination of z_ph and Identification of Emission Line}; [#ra1924eb]
- code (F90) and scripts to determine z_ph and identify emission line: &ref(Step2_zph.f90);, &ref(Step2.sh);
- catalogs of the 6,140 Step 2 selected line emitter candidates: &ref(Step2.dat);
- table of the 6,140 Step 2 selected line emitter candidates: &ref(table_Step2.txt);
-- this table is extracted from &ref(Step2.dat); by using the awk script, &ref(count_Step2.awk);

- catalog of the 1,052 LAE candidates (included in &ref(Step2.dat);): &ref(Step2_LAE_all.dat);
-- + Step 3 SED-fitting results: &ref(Step3_LAE_all.dat);
-- this LAE candidate catalog is extracted from &ref(Step2.dat); by using the script of &ref(make_LAE_catalog_Step2.sh); as follows:
--- &ref(make_LAE_catalog_Step2.awk); + &ref(Step2.dat); --> &ref(Step2_LAE_all.dat);, &ref(Step2_LAE_single.dat);, &ref(Step2_LAE_double.dat);, &ref(Step2_LAE_triple.dat);
--- &ref(make_zph_list.awk); + &ref(Step2_LAE_all.dat); --> &ref(zph_list_LAE_all.txt);
--- &ref(extract_ID.awk); + &ref(Step2_LAE_all.dat); --> &ref(list_LAE_all.txt);
--- &ref(count_LAE_Step2.awk); + &ref(Step2_LAE_all.dat); --> &ref(table_Step2_LAE_all.txt);
--- &ref(remove_LAEcand.awk); + &ref(Step2.dat); --> &ref(Step2_woLAE.dat);

- catalog of the 4,734 low-z emitter candidates (included in &ref(Step2.dat);): &ref(Step2_lowz_all.dat);
-- + Step 3 SED-fitting results: &ref(Step3_lowz_all.dat);
-- this low-z emitter candidate catalog is extracted from &ref(Step2_woLAE.dat); by using the script of &ref(make_lowz_catalog_Step2.sh); as follows:
--- &ref(make_lowz_catalog_Step2.awk); + &ref(Step2_woLAE.dat); --> &ref(Step2_lowz_all.dat);, &ref(Step2_lowz_single.dat);, &ref(Step2_lowz_double.dat);, &ref(Step2_lowz_triple.dat);
--- &ref(make_zph_list.awk); + &ref(Step2_lowz_all.dat); --> &ref(zph_list_lowz_all.txt);

- catalog of the 354 others (included in &ref(Step2.dat);): &ref(Step2_others.dat);
-- + Step 3 SED-fitting results: &ref(Step3_others.dat);
-- this other emitter candidate catalog is extracted from &ref(Step2_woLAE.dat); by using the awk script of &ref(make_others_catalog_Step2.awk);
--- &ref(make_zph_list.awk); + &ref(Step2_others.dat); --> &ref(zph_list_others.txt);

- code (F90) and script to write the observed SED of the line emitter candidates selected in Step 2: &ref(Step2_writeSED.f90);, &ref(Step2_writeSED.sh);
-- the output files are the followings: &ref(obsSED_LAE.tar.gz);, &ref(obsSED_lowz.tar.gz);, &ref(obsSED_others.tar.gz);
--- the format of these output files are found from &ref(obsSED_ID1000100.dat);, which is included in &ref(obsSED_LAE.tar.gz);

* &aname(Step3){Step 3: Selection of Strong Line Emitters and Calculation of Physical Quantities}; [#j45f236a]
- SED fitting code (F90): &ref(Step3_SEDfit.f90);
-- input files: &ref(zph_list_LAE_all.txt);, &ref(zph_list_lowz_all.txt);, &ref(zph_list_others.txt);, and the SED templates (see below)
-- scripts: &ref(Step3_SEDfit_LAE.sh);, &ref(Step3_SEDfit_lowz.sh);, &ref(Step3_SEDfit_others.sh);

- the SED templates:
-- the SED templates have so huge file size (~ 1.5 GB at a certain redshift) that they cannot be uploaded here
-- the SED templates are uploaded on newngli:
--- /net/newngli/data/kobayashi/SEDtemplates/{LAE,lowz,others}/SEDtemp_z*p***_{young,old}.dat: time evolution of fnu for 37 broadbands
--- /net/newngli/data/kobayashi/SEDtemplates/Mstar+Lnu_{young,old}.dat: time evolution of Mstar, SFR, L1350, L1500, and L2um
-- their format is the following: &ref(format_SEDtemp.txt);

- the code making the SED templates (F90): &ref(Step3_makeSEDtemplate.f90);
-- [note] because making the SED templates is highly time-consuming, the SED templates were made separately by using several computers
-- input files: &ref(inputfile_makeSEDtemplate.tar.gz); (e.g.) &ref(makeSEDtemplate_LAE1.in);
-- scripts: &ref(scripts_Step3_makeSEDtemplate.tar.gz); (e.g.) &ref(Step3_makeSEDtemplate_LAE1.sh);
-- the above input files and scripts were created by the following code, script, and input files:
--- code (F90): &ref(makescripts.f90);
--- script: &ref(makescripts.sh);
--- input files: &ref(makeSEDtemplate_LAE);, &ref(makeSEDtemplate_nonLAE);, &ref(makeSEDtemplate_others);

- catalogs of the Step3 selected 770 LAE candidates: &ref(Step3_LAE_all_final.dat);
-- this catalog is extracted from the catalog of 1,052 Step2 selected LAE candidates (&ref(Step3_LAE_all.dat);) by using the script of &ref(step3_LAE.sh); as follows:
+++ &ref(extract_Nundet5.awk); + &ref(Step3_LAE_all.dat); --> &ref(Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5.dat);, &ref(tab-Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5.dat);
+++ &ref(extract_chinu2lteq3.awk); + &ref(Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5.dat); --> &ref(Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3.dat);, &ref(tab-Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3.dat);
+++ &ref(extract_step3_final.awk); + &ref(Step3_LAE_all_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3.dat); --> &ref(Step3_LAE_all_final.dat);, &ref(tab-Step3_LAE_all_final.dat);
--- the above script also creates several temporal intermediate catalogs as follows: intermed/Step3_LAE_{Nundet5,Nundet5+chinu2lteq3,final}_IA***.dat

- code (F90) and script to write the best-fit SED of the line emitters selected in Step 3: &ref(Step3_writeSED.f90);, &ref(Step3_writeSED.sh);
-- the output files are the followings: &ref(bestSED_LAE.tar.gz);, &ref(bestSED_lowz1.tar.gz);, &ref(bestSED_lowz2.tar.gz);, &ref(bestSED_lowz3.tar.gz);, &ref(bestSED_lowz4.tar.gz);, &ref(bestSED_others.tar.gz);
--- the format of these output files are found from &ref(bestSED_ID1000100.dat);, which is included in &ref(bestSED_LAE.tar.gz);
-- gnuplot scripts to plot these SEDs: &ref(plot-SED_Step3_LAE.gpl);, &ref(plot-SED_Step3_lowz.gpl);, &ref(plot-SED_Step3_others.gpl);
--- these gnuplot scripts are automatically made by running the above script of  &ref(Step3_writeSED.sh);

* &aname(Step4){Step 4: Classifying AGN Candidates}; [#ud4705b1]
- catalog of the 35 LAE candidates classified as AGN: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_all.dat);
-- these are sub-classified into the followings:
--- 20 satisfying the IRAC-color criteria: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_IRAC_all.dat);
--- 17 Chandra detected: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_Chandra_all.dat);
--- 2 XMM-Newton detected: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_XMM_all.dat);
--- 3 VLA detected: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_VLA_all.dat);
-- sorted catalogs of the 35 LAE candidates classified as AGN:
--- z_ph in ascending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_all_zph.dat);
--- EW0 in descending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_all_EW0.dat);
--- Mstar in descending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_all_Mstar.dat);

- catalog of the 735 star-forming LAE candidates: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_all.dat);
-- sorted catalogs of the 735 star-forming LAE candidates:
--- z_ph in ascending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_all_zph.dat);
--- EW0 in descending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_all_EW0.dat);
--- Mstar in descending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_all_Mstar.dat);

- catalog of the 52 star-forming LAE candidates w/ EW0(Lya) >= 100 A: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_sLAE_all.dat);
-- sorted catalog of the 52 star-forming LAE candidates w/ EW0(Lya) >= 100 A:
--- Mstar in descending order: &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_sLAE_all_Mstar.dat);

- the above catalogs are extracted by using the script of &ref(step4_LAE.sh); as follows:
++ &ref(extract_Step4.awk); + temporal catalog of Step 3 selected LAE candidates of intermed/Step3_LAE_final_IA***.dat (created by &ref(step3_LAE.sh);) --> temporal catalog of AGN/star-forming LAE candidates
++ &ref(merge_id.awk); + temporal catalog of AGN/star-forming LAE candidates --> &ref(Step4_LAE_AGN_all.dat);/&ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_all.dat);, &ref(Step4_LAE_nonAGN_sLAE_all.dat);

- code (F90) to write the best-fit SED of the LAE candidates selected in Step 4: &ref(Step4_writeSED.f90);
-- the output files are the followings: &ref(bestSED_LAE_Step4.tar.gz);
--- the format of these output files are found from &ref(bestSED_Step4_ID67378.dat);, which is included in &ref(bestSED_LAE_Step4.tar.gz);
-- gnuplot script to plot these SEDs: &ref(plot-SED_LAE_nonAGN_sLAE_all_Mstar.gpl);
--- this gnuplot script is automatically made by running the above code of  &ref(Step4_writeSED.f90);


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