[[Transfer]] * catalog of 6164 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: &ref(Step1.dat); [#q98b80dc] - (2015/10/22) Note: the treatment of the magnitude for the undetected objects is further revised -- In the previous analysis, some undetected objects have f_ν < 1.5σ because of σ is revised to the limiting flux given after f_ν is set to 1.5σ. It should be f_ν = 1.5σ with the revised σ -- In the revised analysis, these objects are revised to have f_ν = 1.5σ. -- As a result, 16 excess candidates (17 excess IA-bands) are removed from the sample of Step 1 IA-excess candidates. No candidate is newly added. - (2015/10/14) Note: the treatment of the magnitude and its error for the undetected objects is revised -- In the previous analysis, since their magnitudes are remained to be the original values, that is, 99.0, the linear fluxes are negligibly small. In the case that these fluxes are used to evaluate IAc, the resultant IAc become too faint. -- In the revised analysis, their magnitudes are revised to be 1.5σ. -- As a result, 28 excess candidates (35 excess IA-bands) are removed from the sample of Step 1 IA-excess candidates. No candidate is newly added. - (2015/10/05) Note: errors of Subaru i'- and GALEX FUV-bands magnitudes are modified -- Some objects undetected in these bands have values larger than 90 as magnitude error, although normally they should have 3σ limiting magnitudes in error slot. -- These are now modified into 26.1 ABmag and 25.7 ABmag for the Subaru i'- and GALEX FUV-bands, respectively. --- The former limiting magnitude is given in Taniguchi+07 and used originally in Step 1 as 3σ limiting magnitude of the Subaru i' band. --- The latter is taken from Salvato+09; although it is unclear whether this magnitude is total one or aperture one, we assume that this is 5σ limiting magnitude in 3.8"φ diameter aperture. Hence, it is converted to 3σ limiting magnitude in total magnitude via adding -2.5log10(3/5) + 2.5log10(0.759) and then converted to 3σ limiting magnitude in 3"φ diameter aperture using auto_offset of each object. - (2015/09/25) Note: magnitudes, errors, and limiting magnitudes of the IRAC ch1--4 are modified -- Since the magnitudes of all IRAC bands in the photometric catalog are '''total magnitudes''', they should be transformed into '''3"φ diameter aperture magnitudes''' using '''auto_offset''' provided in the photometric catalog. -- Although the definition of the limiting magnitudes of the IRAC bands given in Salvato+09 are unclear, we assume that it is the 5σ limiting magnitude in 3.8"φ diameter aperture. --- Hence, they are converted to 3σ limiting magnitudes in total magnitude via adding -2.5log10(3/5) + 2.5log10(0.759) and then converted to 3σ limiting magnitudes in 3"φ diameter aperture using auto_offset of each object. -- Related to these modifications, information of auto_offset is added in the catalog - (2015/09/07) Note: AGN flags are now complete. - (2015/08/18) Note: AGN flags for XMM and VLA are now complete. But those for Chandra are not complete yet [flag = -1]. - (2015/08/16) Note: AGN flags for Chandra, XMM, and VLA are not complete yet. - format (written as headers in the above catalog): # (1)ID (2,3)RA,DEC(J2000)[deg] # (4--19)quantities from photo-z catalog: # --- (4,5,6)median,1sigma lower,1sigma upper limits of photo-z measured using the galaxy templates[zPDF,zPDF_l68,zPDF_u68] # --- (7)best fit template at zPDF[1--8:Ell-S0, 9--15:Sa-Sc, 16--19:Sd-Sdm from Polletta et al., >=20 starburst from BC03] # --- (8)best-fit additional extinction E(B-V) at zPDF[mag] # --- (9)extinction law[1:prevot, 2:Calzetti, 3,4:Calzetti+2175bump] # --- (10)number of filters used in the fit # --- (11)best-fit BC03 model (12)best-fit model age[yr] (13)best-fit model extinction E(B-V)[mag] # --- (14,15,16)log10[Mstar/Msun] for median,1sigma lower,1sigma upper[mass_med,mass_inf,mass_sup] # --- (17,18,19)log10[SFR/(Msun/yr)] for median,1sigma lower,1sigma upper[sfr_med,sfr_inf,sfr_sup] # (20)auto-offset[mag](aperture correction from 3" diameter aperture magnitude to total magnitude, band independent) # (21+2i,22+2i)mag,1sigma error of mag corrected for Galactic extinction and offset[i=0--36]: # --- i= 0 (21,22)CFHT u* # --- i= 1 (23,24)Subaru B # --- i= 2 (25,26)Subaru V # --- i= 3 (27,28)Subaru g' # --- i= 4 (29,30)Subaru r' # --- i= 5 (31,32)Subaru i' # --- i= 6 (33,34)CFHT i* # --- i= 7 (35,36)Subaru z' # --- i= 8 (37,38)UKIRT J # --- i= 9 (39,40)CTIO/KPNO Ks # --- i=10 (41,42)CFHT Ks # --- i=11 (43,44)Subaru IA427 # --- i=12 (45,46)Subaru IA464 # --- i=13 (47,48)Subaru IA484 # --- i=14 (49,50)Subaru IA505 # --- i=15 (51,52)Subaru IA527 # --- i=16 (53,54)Subaru IA574 # --- i=17 (55,56)Subaru IA624 # --- i=18 (57,58)Subaru IA679 # --- i=19 (59,60)Subaru IA709 # --- i=20 (61,62)Subaru IA738 # --- i=21 (63,64)Subaru IA767 # --- i=22 (65,66)Subaru IA827 # --- i=23 (67,68)Subaru NB711 # --- i=24 (69,70)Subaru NB816 # --- i=25 (71,72)Spitzer IRAC ch1 # --- i=26 (73,74)Spitzer IRAC ch2 # --- i=27 (75,76)Spitzer IRAC ch3 # --- i=28 (77,78)Spitzer IRAC ch4 # --- i=29 (79,80)GALEX FUV # --- i=30 (81,82)GALEX NUV # --- i=31 (83,84)UltraVISTA Y # --- i=32 (85,86)UltraVISTA J # --- i=33 (87,88)UltraVISTA H # --- i=34 (89,90)UltraVISTA Ks # --- i=35 (91,92)CFHT H # --- i=36 (93,94)Subaru z'' # (95--100)AGN-related flags: # --- ( 95)flag for detection in all 4 IRAC bands[0:no, 1:yes] # --- ( 96)flags for AGN from IRAC color[Donley+12 criteria][0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] # --- ( 97)flags for AGN from Chandra[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] # --- ( 98)flags for AGN from XMM-Newton[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] # --- ( 99)flags for AGN from VLA[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] # --- (100)flags for AGN from one of them[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] # (101--112)flag for 12 IA bands[0:undetected, 1:detected] # (113)N_undetectedIA # (114--162)Step 1 related quantities: # --- (114+4i)flag of excess IA band for 12 IA-bands[-1:unjudged, 0:non-excess, others:excess][i=0--11] # --- (115+4i)IAc[ABmag][i=0--11] # --- (116+4i)IAc-IA[ABmag][i=0--11] # --- (117+4i)3sigma(IAc-IA)[ABmag][i=0--11] # ------ i= 0 (114,115,116,117)IA427 # ------ i= 1 (118,119,120,121)IA464 # ------ i= 2 (122,123,124,125)IA484 # ------ i= 3 (126,127,128,129)IA505 # ------ i= 4 (130,131,132,133)IA527 # ------ i= 5 (134,135,136,137)IA574 # ------ i= 6 (138,139,140,141)IA624 # ------ i= 7 (142,143,144,145)IA679 # ------ i= 8 (146,147,148,149)IA709 # ------ i= 9 (150,151,152,153)IA738 # ------ i=10 (154,155,156,157)IA767 # ------ i=11 (158,159,160,161)IA827 # --- (162)N_ex^temp * Number Counts of Each IA-excess Candidates for 12 IA bands [#se6cf73c] - table: &ref(LAEfullpaper/Tab2_ms_LAE_COSMOS20_151022.jpg,,50%); //- table: &ref(p43_COSMOS20_LAE.jpg,,40%); //-- these counts are confirmed to be correct on 13th July, 2015 based on the above catalog of &ref(Step1.txt); and the awk script of &ref(count_step1.awk); made by MARK