
- The format of the following catalogs is the same one as follows:
 (5)excess IA-band
 (6,7,8)EWobs[A] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (9,10,11)Mstar[Msun] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (12,13,14)L(Lya)[erg/s] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (15,16,17)SFR(Lya)[Msun] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (18,19,20)SFR(SED)[Msun] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (21,22,23)log10[tau/Gyr] of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (24,25,26)Z of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (27,28,29)E(B-V) of best-fit, 3sigma-{upper,lower} limits
 (34--45)flag for detection in IA427,IA464,IA484,IA505,IA527,IA574,IA624,IA679,IA709,IA738,IA767,IA827[0:non-detection,1:detection]
 (46,47,48)flag for the existence of {SED fitting result, (RA,DEC) information, detected IA-band information} for this galaxy[0:absent,1:exist]
 (49,50,51,52,53,54,55)flag for AGNfrom IRAC color,Chandra(<1arcsec, <2arcsec),XMM,radio,MIPS,and one of them[0:non-AGN,1:AGN]
-- in the catalog "All", one additional information is added as 
 (56)number of excess IA bands
- &color(Red){Note that catalog for IA827-excess object is not uploaded below because of the absence of the IA827-excess object in Step 2.};

- [[Step 2>Catalogs#Step2]]
- [[Step 3>Catalogs#Step3]]
-- [[matched catalog b/w LAE and new Chandra catalog by S. Toft on 2015/06/17>Catalogs#MatchedCatalogWithChandra]]
- [[Step 4>Catalogs#Step4]]
-- [[AGN-powered LAE>Catalogs#AGNpowered]]
-- [[non-AGN-powered LAE>Catalogs#nonAGNpowered]]
- [[Step 2>LAE-Catalogs#Step2]]
- [[Step 3>LAE-Catalogs#Step3]]
-- [[matched catalog b/w LAE and new Chandra catalog by S. Toft on 2015/06/17>LAE-Catalogs#MatchedCatalogWithChandra]]
- [[Step 4>LAE-Catalogs#Step4]]
-- [[AGN-powered LAE>LAE-Catalogs#AGNpowered]]
-- [[non-AGN-powered LAE>LAE-Catalogs#nonAGNpowered]]

* &aname(Step2){Step 2}; [#kd94e4b7]
- &ref(step2.tar.gz);
- individual catalog:
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): IA-band |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): |h
|CENTER: IA427 | &ref(IA427_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA464 | &ref(IA464_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA484 | &ref(IA484_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA505 | &ref(IA505_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA527 | &ref(IA527_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA574 | &ref(IA574_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA624 | &ref(IA624_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA679 | &ref(IA679_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA709 | &ref(IA709_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA738 | &ref(IA738_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA767 | &ref(IA767_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(yellow): All |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step2_wChandra.out); |
-- note that 20 LAE candidates with N_ex^temp = 2 (i.e., having two excess IA bands from frequency-matched continuum) are overlappingly listed in two IA-band catalog;  thier IDs, z_ph, and comibinations of excess IA-bands are as follows:
--- (1)  ID  862400 at z_ph = 2.896: (IA464, IA484)
--- (2)  ID  884165 at z_ph = 2.896: (IA464, IA484)
--- (3)  ID 1025225 at z_ph = 2.896: (IA464, IA484)
--- (4)  ID  565880 at z_ph = 3.073: (IA484, IA505)
--- (5)  ID 1106419 at z_ph = 3.073: (IA484, IA505)
--- (6)  ID 1199858 at z_ph = 3.073: (IA484, IA505)
--- (7)  ID 1707398 at z_ph = 3.073: (IA484, IA505)
--- (8)  ID  355282 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (9)  ID  373838 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (10) ID  379762 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (11) ID  432979 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (12) ID  582894 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (13) ID 1358300 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (14) ID 1509230 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (15) ID 1549288 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (16) ID 1725163 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (17) ID 1781909 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (18) ID 1923620 at z_ph = 3.241: (IA505, IA527)
--- (19) ID  786441 at z_ph = 4.699: (IA679, IA709)
--- (20) ID  728837 at z_ph = 4.931: (IA709, IA738)
-- in the catalogs for individual IA band, their EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) are evaluated separately from the IA-band excess from the best-fit stellar continuum at lambda_rest = 1300--1400 A for each excess IA band
-- in the all catalog, the EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) of the LAE candidates with N_ex^temp = 2 are adopted as those of larger one between the two values evaluated from individual IA band excesses

* &aname(Step3){Step 3}; [#s55fadc9]
- &ref(step3.tar.gz);
- individual catalog:
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): IA-band |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): N_{undet} < 6 |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): N_{undet} < 6 & &chi;_{&nu;}^2 <= 3 |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): N_{undet} < 6 & &chi;_{&nu;}^2 <= 3 & EW/EW_{err,3&sigma;} > 1 |h
|CENTER: IA427 | &ref(IA427_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA464 | &ref(IA464_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA484 | &ref(IA484_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA505 | &ref(IA505_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA527 | &ref(IA527_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA574 | &ref(IA574_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA624 | &ref(IA624_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA679 | &ref(IA679_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA709 | &ref(IA709_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA738 | &ref(IA738_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA767 | &ref(IA767_Nundet5_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step3_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(yellow): All |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step3_Nundet5_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step3_Nundet5+chinu2lteq3_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step3_wChandra.out); |
-- in the catalogs for individual IA band, their EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) are evaluated separately from the IA-band excess from the best-fit stellar continuum at lambda_rest = 1300--1400 A for each excess IA band
-- in the all catalog, the EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) of the LAE candidates with N_ex^temp = 2 are adopted as those of larger one between the two values evaluated from individual IA band excesses

** &aname(MatchedCatalogWithChandra){matched catalog b/w LAE and new Chandra catalog by S. Toft on 2015/06/17}; [#z9300fca]
- within 1 arcsec: &ref(lya_x_1arcsec.txt);
- within 2 arcsec: &ref(lya_x_2arcsec.txt);

* &aname(Step4){Step 4}; [#ofd8b04a]
** &aname(AGNpowered){AGN-powered LAE}; [#b8d7f118]
- &ref(step4_AGN.tar.gz);
|CENTER: IA427 | &ref(IA427_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA464 | &ref(IA464_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA484 | &ref(IA484_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA505 | &ref(IA505_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA527 | &ref(IA527_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA574 | &ref(IA574_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA624 | &ref(IA624_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA679 | &ref(IA679_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA709 | &ref(IA709_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA738 | &ref(IA738_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA767 | &ref(IA767_step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(yellow): All |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_AGN_IRAC_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_AGN_Chandra1arcsec_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_AGN_XMM_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_AGN_radio_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_AGN_wChandra.out); |
-- in the catalogs for individual IA band, their EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) are evaluated separately from the IA-band excess from the best-fit stellar continuum at lambda_rest = 1300--1400 A for each excess IA band
-- in the all catalog, the EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) of the LAE candidates with N_ex = 2 are adopted as those of larger one between the two values evaluated from individual IA band excesses

** &aname(noAGNpowered){non-AGN-powered LAE}; [#g51b654b]
- &ref(step4_nonAGN.tar.gz);
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): IA-band |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): SFG |CENTER:BGCOLOR(cyan): SFG w/ EW_0 >= 100 A |h
|CENTER: IA427 | &ref(IA427_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA427_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA464 | &ref(IA464_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA464_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA484 | &ref(IA484_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA484_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA505 | &ref(IA505_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA505_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA527 | &ref(IA527_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA527_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA574 | &ref(IA574_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA574_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA624 | &ref(IA624_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA624_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA679 | &ref(IA679_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA679_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA709 | &ref(IA709_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA709_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA738 | &ref(IA738_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA738_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER: IA767 | &ref(IA767_step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); | &ref(IA767_step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(yellow): All |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_nonAGN_wChandra.out); |BGCOLOR(yellow): &ref(Step4_nonAGN_sLAE_wChandra.out); |
-- in the catalogs for individual IA band, their EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) are evaluated separately from the IA-band excess from the best-fit stellar continuum at lambda_rest = 1300--1400 A for each excess IA band
-- in the all catalog, the EW, L(Lya), and SFR(Lya) of the LAE candidates with N_ex = 2 are adopted as those of larger one between the two values evaluated from individual IA band excesses


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