- catalog of 5357 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: Step1.txt
- format: (1)ID (2,3)RA,DEC[deg] (4)flag for detection in all 4 IRAC bands[0:no, 1:yes] (5--9)flag for AGN from IRAC color, XMM, Chandra, VLA, and one of them[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] (10--21)flag of excess IA band for 12 IA bands [0:non-excess, others:excess] (22)N_ex^temp
- (10)IA427 (11)IA464 (12)IA484 (13)IA505 (14)IA527 (15)IA574 (16)IA624 (17)IA679 (18)IA709 (19)IA738 (20)IA767 (21)IA827
- the above catalog is made via merging the following data sets using merge_Step1.awk and
- (1) original data of the 5357 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: IdonBand.txt
- (2) their (RA, DEC) information: allIAexObj_RA_DEC.txt
- (3) IDs of the candidates with detection in all 4 IRAC bands: IRAC_1111.txt
- (4) IDs of the AGN candidates satisfying the IRAC color criteria proposed by Donley+12: IRAC_AGN_all.txt
- (5) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in XMM-COSMOS database (Hasinger+07): XMM_AGN_all.txt
- (6) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in Chandra: Chandra_AGN_all.txt
- (7) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in VLA-COSMOS database (Schinnerer+07): VLA_AGN_all.txt
- an awk script to make the following table from the above catalog (made by MARK on 13th July, 2015 and then modified to match the new format of Step1.txt on 20th July, 2015): count_step1.awk
- table:
- these counts are confirmed to be correct on 13th July, 2015 based on the above catalog and script by MARK