- catalog of 5357 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: &ref(): File not found: "IdonBand.out" at page "Transfer-Step1-Catalogs";
- format: (1)ID (2--13)flag of excess IA band for 12 IA bands [0:non-excess, others:excess] (14)sum of 2^i for the IA bands with non-zero flag [i=0:IA427, 1:IA464, ..., 11:IA827] (15)N_ex^temp
- (2)IA427, (3)IA464, (4)IA484, (5)IA505, (6)IA527, (7)IA574, (8)IA624, (9)IA679, (10)IA709, (11)IA738, (12)IA767, (13)IA827
- an awk script to make the following table from the above catalog (made by MARK on 13th July, 2015): count_step1.awk
- table:
- these counts are confirmed to be correct on 13th July, 2015 based on the above catalog and script by MARK