catalog of 5357 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: Step1.txt †
- format: (1)ID (2,3)RA,DEC[deg] (4)flag for detection in all 4 IRAC bands[0:no, 1:yes] (5--9)flag for AGN from IRAC color, XMM, Chandra, VLA, and one of them[0:non-AGN, 1:AGN] (10--21)flag of excess IA band for 12 IA bands [0:non-excess, others:excess] (22)N_ex^temp
- (10)IA427 (11)IA464 (12)IA484 (13)IA505 (14)IA527 (15)IA574 (16)IA624 (17)IA679 (18)IA709 (19)IA738 (20)IA767 (21)IA827
- the above catalog is made via merging the following data sets using merge_Step1.awk and
- (1) original data of the 5357 IA-excess candidates selected in Step 1: IdonBand.txt
- (2) their (RA, DEC) information: allIAexObj_RA_DEC.txt
- (3) IDs of the candidates with detection in all 4 IRAC bands: IRAC_1111.txt
- (4) IDs of the AGN candidates satisfying the IRAC color criteria proposed by Donley+12: IRAC_AGN_all.txt
- (5) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in XMM-COSMOS database (Hasinger+07): XMM_AGN_all.txt
- (6) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in Chandra: Chandra_AGN_all.txt
- (7) IDs of the AGN candidates detected in VLA-COSMOS database (Schinnerer+07): VLA_AGN_all.txt
Number Counts of Each IA-excess Candidates for 12 IA bands †
- table: &ref(): File not found: "Tab2_ms_LAE_COSMOS20_150815.jpg" at page "Transfer-Step1-Catalogs";