2015/08/04: executing the procedures in Step 2, 3, and 4 for the newly added 785 IA-excess candidates: IdonBand_add_150804.dat
these candidates are added because of the changes of (1) limiting magnitudes of 7 IA-bands (i.e., IA464, IA484, IA505, IA527, IA574, IA624, and IA827), (2) the coefficients estimating the frequency-matched continuum, and (3) the equation which judges whether each object is inside or outside of the circular-shaped masked-out regions
the limiting magnitudes used originally were old one which were listed in the previous data paper but now were modified by M. Kajisawa on 17th Feb. 2015 --> the limiting magnitudes modified by M. Kajisawa on 17th Feb. 2015 are now adopted; the previous limiting magnitudes were wrong because they were the background fluctuations evaluated without mask to bright objects (email from M. Kajisawa on 16:24 4th Aug. 2015)
the coefficients estimating the frequency-matched continuum were originally calculated in another program and then were substituted in the program for Step 1 by reading a data file in which the coefficients rounded up to the third decimal place are written --> the coefficients are now evaluating directly from the effective wavelengths in the program for Step 1
the equation which judges whether an object at (RA,DEC) is inside or outside of the masked-out region with a radius of r centered on (RA0,DEC0) used originally was wrong (dr = sqrt[(RA - RA0)^2 + (DEC - DEC0)^2]) --> the correct equation is now used (dr = acos[cos(DEC)cos(DEC0)cos(RA-RA0) + sin(DEC)sin(DEC0)])
showing the 1σ errors of the best-fit model SED for EWobs, Mstar, L(Lya), SFR(Lya), SFR(SED), log10[tau/Gyr], Z, and E(B-V)
showing the programs, scripts, and catalogs with their manuals to select the IA-excess objects in Step 1, 2, 3, and 4
this script (1) copies IA_zph_out/IAxxx_zph.out to MkSSforSF.in as the input file to the program, (2) executes the program, and (3) moves MkSSforSF.out as the output file from the program to SEDfit_150305_lowz_IAxxx.tcsh
in each file, all of the redshifts possible for the filter are written in the following format: [1st column] 3 digits for the IA-band name [other columns] (1)z (2)3 digits for the IA-band name (3)emission line (1:Lya, 2:CIV, 3:CIII], 4:MgII, 5:[OII], 6:[OIII]+Hb, 7:Ha+[NII], 99:others)
format: (1)ID (2,3)RA,DEC[deg] (4)flag for detection in all 4 IRAC bands[0:no, 1:yes] (5--9)flag for AGN from IRAC color, XMM, Chandra, VLA, and one of them[0:non-AGN,1:AGN] (10)Nex^temp (11)Nsol (12--27)quantities related to the primary z_ph solution (28--43)quantities related to the secondary z_ph solution (44--55)flag for 12 IA bands[0:undetected, 1:detected] (56)N_undetectedIA
for primary solution : (12)P(z_ph) (13)chi_nu^2(z_ph) (14)z_ph (15--26)line ID for 12 IA bands (1:Lya, 2:CIV, 3:CIII], 4:MgII, 5:[OII], 6:[OIII]+Hb, 7:Ha+[NII], 99:others) (27)N_ex^cons
for secondary solution: (28)P(z_ph2)/P(z_ph) (29)chi_nu^2(z_ph2)[-99 for the objects w/o secondary solution] (30)z_ph2[-99 for the objects w/o secondary solution] (31--42)line ID for 12 IA bands (1:Lya, 2:CIV, 3:CIII], 4:MgII, 5:[OII], 6:[OIII]+Hb, 7:Ha+[NII], 99:others) (43)N_ex^cons