
* arXiv updated version (16th July, 2015): [arXiv:1507.04439:http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.04439] [#ce492eb5]
* arXiv updated version (16th July, 2015): [[arXiv:1507.04439>http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.04439]] [#ce492eb5]
- in this version, there are several changes for MAESTLOs #2 & #3 from the accepted version as follows: EW0 and log10[SFR(SED)/(Msun/yr)] for MAESTLO #3 given in Tab. 1, best-fit SED for MAESTLOs #2 & #3 in Fig. 1, and position in vertical axis for MAESTLOs #2 & #3 in Fig. 2
-- these changes are caused by the bug in determination of z_ph for IA-excess objects; z_ph of the MAESTLOs #2 and #3 changes from 2.811 to 2.810
-- while the shapes of the best-fit SED models for them do not change, their normalizations do slightly decrease as follows (email from Y. Shioya on 18:43 15th July, 2015):
            normalization a(z)               
 No. (ID)   z=2.811   z=2.810    R      log R
 2 (886686)  0.3066    0.3063  0.999   -0.0004
 3 (576388)  0.1162    0.1160  0.998   -0.0007
 R = a(z=2.810)/a(z=2.811)
--- therefore, Mstar and SFR(SED) slightly decreases, EW0 slightly increases, rest-frame colors do not change at all
- The IDs and (R.A., Decl.) of the 6 MAESTLOs are given in &ref(MAESTLO_RA_DEC_final.txt);

** manuscript: [#scc6923a]
- pdf: &ref(ms_MAESTLO.pdf);
- tex source: &ref(ms_MAESTLO.tex);
- tar.gz (incl. tex source, pdf, and all figures): &ref(ms_MAESTLO_150716.tar.gz);

*** Figures & Table: [#hf4b8b98]
- Tab. 1: &ref(Tab1.jpg,,15%);
- Tab. 2: &ref(Tab2.jpg,,50%);

- Fig. 1: &ref(fig1rev.jpg,,25%); &ref(f1.eps);
- Fig. 2: &ref(fig2rev.jpg,,15%); &ref(f2.eps); 
- Fig. 3: &ref(f3.jpg,,25%); &ref(f3.eps);

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