1. Overview
The Kyoto tridimentional spectrograph II (Kyoto3DII) is an optical multi-mode spectrograph.
Kyoto3DII can carry out not only standard imaging and slit-spectrograph observations, but also integral field spectrograph (IFS) and Fabry-Perot observations.
This instrument is mounted on Subaru Telescope.
Kyoto3DII was used to be mounted on University of Hawaii 88 inch telescope (UH88) as well as on Subaru telescope.
We are now working for connection between Kyoto3DII and an adaptive optics system in Subaru Telescope, in order to carry out high-resolution IFS observations in optical wavelengths.
A test observation of Kyoto3DII connected with AO188 was successfully carried out on April 3, 2012.
(web release from Subaru Telescope.)
From S13A, IFS observations with AO188 (in both NGS and LGS modes) are available. (Call for proposals from Subaru Telescope.)
For more detail, please contact PI Hajime Sugai (E-mail: hajime.sugai _at_ ipmu.jp).
# Reference

Figure 1-1: An overview image of Kyoto3DII.

Figure 1-2: Four observational modes of Kyoto3DII.